Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I'm ba-ack!

Alright...for those of you who noticed that I've been gone.

Its true.

I've been gallivanting across the country side from a family reunion to a trip to the mountains to see Butter Ripple Liquorlips.  I had good intentions of posting...but since there hasn't been a post...I guess you can assume what happened to my good intentions....I drowned them in wine.  (preferably white...but apparently, the later the evening gets, the less picky I am.)

I decided to make a quick pie chart to let you in on my activities for the past couple of weeks.

yeah....that about sums it up.

And the oddly hairy Indian woman was downright creepy. 


  1. Damn, sounds like you spent your time away at "South of the Border" on the North and South Carolina Border. I have always said, if Disney World is the happiest place on earth, then South of the Border is the creepiest.

    Glad you found me, by the way. I guess I should have made a post about it before I changed, I hope the rest of my followers can find me too!

    Glad to have you back, girlie!!

  2. Sounds like fun. Despite the terrible driving, anyway.

  3. Welcome back :0~) Your chart has drinking in it twice is that one for white and one for other?
